“Dit wil voorkom asof boere geen ander keuse het nie as om hulleself te moet voorberei vir oorlog.” So sê TLU SA se Adjunk-President en Voorsitter van die Veiligheidskomitee, mnr. Henry Geldenhuys.
Mnr. Geldenhuys het gereageer op die moord op die 77-jarige mnr. Johan van Rensburg van die Baltimore-omgewing. “Hierdie moord kom skaars ’n dag nadat die ANC Jeugliga se adjunk-president, Ronald Lamola, in Durban gesê het dat Suid-Afrikaners in ’n illusie leef dat hulle hul grond vreedsaam sal terugkry. ‘Ons het ’n gebeure so kragdadig as ’n oorlog nodig om die land weer in besit van Afrikane te kry’, het Lamola volgens berigte gesê.”
Mnr. Geldenhuys het die moord op mnr. Van Rensburg in verband gebring met Lamola se uitsprake, nadat dit blyk dat hoofsaaklik wapens vermis is. “Waarvoor word wapens gesteel anders as om daarmee nog meer moorde te pleeg? Lamola skep die ideale atmosfeer vir radikale en roekelose jeugdiges om sy uitlatings letterlik op te neem. Boere kan hierdie uitsprake nie langer ignoreer nie en sal ter wille van oorlewing en behoud van hulle grond, insgelyks moet voorberei en organiseer vir die ergste moontlike scenario,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys.
Wyle mnr. Van Rensburg was lid van TLU SA en jare lank by die organisasie betrokke. Sy vrou, Gloudina, is drie keer in die bors raakgeskiet en sy is tans in ’n stabiele toestand in ’n hospitaal in Pietersburg. Hulle is vanoggend omstreeks 04:00 in hulle huis oorval. Dit is nie seker hoeveel terroriste betrokke is nie maar vier spore word tans opgevolg deur lede van die gemeenskap en die polisie, terwyl ’n polisie helikopter asook ’n private helikopter ingespan word om moontlike verdagtes aan te keer.
Mnr. Geldenhuys het namens TLU SA sy meegevoel met mnr. Van Rensburg se familie uitgespreek en mev. Van Rensburg spoedige herstel toegewens. Hy het ook sy waardering uitgespreek teenoor die gemeenskap en die polisie wat flink op die spoor van die moordenaars is. “Indien hulle gevang word moet daar geen genade met hulle betoon word nie, met inagneming van die wetlike voorskrifte,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys.
Ons kommentaar: Na die ANC-Jeugliga se onlangse dreigemente dat hulle nou lank genoeg gewag het, en gereed is om boere se plase en welaf stedelinge se huise te beset, het blanke organisasies ewe hard teruggekap en gewaarsku dat hulle dit nie sal duld nie – hulle sal veg vir wat aan hulle behoort. Onder hulle is AfriForum Jeug (AFJ), TLU SA, VF Plus Jeug en die HNP.
Maar verlede naweek (16/17 Junie) het die ANCJL-voorbok en woordvoerder, Magdalene Moonsamy, die blankes openlik uitgedaag: “Julle het nou lank genoeg alleen voordeel getrek uit die rykdom van die land – nou is dit die swarte se beurt. Ons stry weer soos in 1976 vir ‘n politieke skuif. Ons wil baie vinnig Seksie 25 van die Konstitusie verander omdat dit net die wittes se rykdomme beskerm. Daarna plaas ons die land in die hande van die inheemse volke – met geweld, as dit nodig is. Natuurlik sonder vergoeding! En ons sal dadelik ook die myne nasioinaliseer. Dis ons taak om dit vir die opkomende geslagte te doen!”
In ‘n onderhoud later met die buitelandse media het sy Afrikaner-organisasies se dreigemente van “oorlog” snedig afgelag. “My oom het my vertel dat die wit Afrikaners en AWB’s al vóór 1976 gedreig het met oorlog, want hulle sal nie toelaat dat daar gemengde sport kom nie, dat apartheid nooit afgeskaf sal word nie, dat woonbuurtes wit sal bly, so ook hulle skole en hulle kerke. Ons het dit alles reggekry, en wat het die wittes gedoen? Niks nie! Op vergaderings is ons ook gewaarsku dat as nog net één Boer sterf, is daar oorlog – duisende is al dood. Hulle doen niks, want hulle is bang vir ons. En kyk maar, dit sal weer gebeur as ons die grond en myne vat. Die revolusie gaan nou bergin…”
Die Minister van Water Hulpbronne, Sunil Tatkare, het Moonsamy hierin gesteun. Sy was al vantevore in die moeilikheid oor haar blatante steun vir grondonteiening.
Wie van ons kan nog sy hand voor sy oë sien?
Dankie Adriaan,
Dis tyd dat ons oogies oopgaan, vir die waarheid van wat aan die gebeur is.
“Laat hulle begin, ons sal dir klaarmaak”
Lees gerus Lev 27:29
BoereGroete in Jahweh
Waar is deklerk se wigte en tee wigte nou? Wie bring hom voor die stoel en daag hom uit oor alles wat nou aangaan? Toe hy vir roelf meyer geseg het “my god roelf nou het jy die land mos weggegee” Het hy nie daaraan gedink dat hy te besig was om egbreuk te pleeg met sy griekse meid nie, maar nou moet iemand anders die blaam laat dra! Hy moet uit sy veilige vesting gaan ruk word en kaal gat in die lokasie gaan smyt word, hy en sy hele agterloop span! Hulle het die volk groot seer op die lyf gebring, waarom is nog nie een van die verraad pleers vermoor nie? is dit hulle veilige vesting? wel dan moet ons iets doen dat hulle ook die gevare kan ervaar dan nie? Dit is nou selfs erken dat hulle betrokke was met die wapen skandaal, veral die lagende smalende voorbok, met al sy wigte en teewigte, maar dit is ons mense wie se lewens kort genip raak daagliks! Ons mense wat die pyn ervaar van verhoogde elektriese rekeninge omdat sy broers die krag steel, waar is sy wigte en teewigte wat al die diefstal en geweld moes beheer! Nou word ons daagliks gedreig dat ons plase, huise, besighede en dies meer nie aan ons behoort maar aan sy broers!
Baie dankie oom Adriaan
Ja en so gaan dit aan! Dreigement na dreigement,een van die mooi dae gaan dit oor in aksie!.Is ons volk reg? Die wraak kom nie ons toe maar onse Vader!
Ons sal moet veg,terwille van ons nageslag.Laat ons nie weer die foute van die verlede maak nie,ons moet skoonmaak tot by die ewenaar!
Boere Groete
Bly Paraat!
Adriaan dankie vir die inligting oor die moord en wat die ANCJL als te sê het. ‘n Mens wonder net dat wat die woordvoerder Moonsamy alles sê nie afkomstig is van agter die skerms nie, soos ‘n Malema.
Met dit wat hy vir die buitelandse media gesê het is alles waar want ons het niks gedoen nie en so sal dit weer wees. Ek stem ook saam met wat melkbok sê. Ons as blankes is nie net verraai en uitverkoop nie maar daardie de Klerks en kie het ook God vergeet en verraai. Sterkte my mede opregte Afrikaners.
So kom FW de Klerk se dae ook al nader . . . vergelding. Soos die barbare wag vir die dood van neef Mandella . . . so wag die boere ook óp ‘n teken vir die begin van wraaktogte.
Ek plaas graag die komentaar uit die mond van een van ons jong manne, en ek vra die vraag: hoe is dit dat die jeug dit verstaan, maar die “gryskoppe” nie?
Die volk gaan die verantwoordelikheid dra van die vernietiging/tot niet makling van die gelofte. En omdat hulle die VADER se naam vernietig het. Die mens gaan moet buig dat al die eer aan JHWH gaan. Selfde soos by Bloedrevier.
BoereGroete in Jahweh
Vandag besef ek ons is by die omdraai punt verby, ons kan nie meer keer wat aan die kom is nie.
Die regime en sy terroriste het klaar reg gemaak vir die kommende stryd, die vraag is net as hulle gereed is vir wat kom is ons ook op dieselfde paraatheid grondslag?
Die Woord is baie spesifiek “Waak en bid” dus wees gereed en bid.
Na die 2de wereld oorlog vra hulle Winston Churchill (ou Volks vyand) hoe het hy geweet hier kom n oorlog en waarom het Chamberlain (PM) en sy party nie gedink iets gaan gebeur nie. Sy antwoord het ook betrekking op vandag se gebeure en hy se “Ek het gehoor en gelees wat Hitler se en ek het hom geglo”
Dit is nou die tyd om die regime en die terroriste te glo MBT wat hulle se!!!!
Die beginsel is reg Barry. Dit is net ongelukkig dat die woorde uit ‘n oorlogsmisdadiger se mond moet kom, wat dit in sy geval ‘n leuen maak. Hitler wou nooit oorlog met Brittanje hê nie, maar Churchill en Roosevelt het die oorlog gestook! Hitler het die heeltyd vir vrede gevra!
ek het vandag n berig ontvang waar NUMW gedreig het en gevra het dat die toetale uitwissing van ALLE WITTES nou inwerking gestel moet word volgens die vergardering gehou 16/17/06/12, ek het die notule, n bietjie lank om hier te plaas.
Ethnic cleansing of Afrikaners: blacks-only National Union of Mineworkers threatens race-war against legally unemployable whites:
14:50 Jun 17 2012 Luthuli House, Johannesburg
Blacks-only SA national union of mineworkers issues direct threat to launch a race-war against te 3,5-million-strong very vulnerable white minority in South Africa — which under the black-economic-empowerment laws ALREADY are not allowed to work in the vast majority of South African jobs – private- and public sector. Recently the ANC-mayor of Johannesburg announced that there would be NO WHITES IN JOBS IN JOHANNESBURG under his job-generation programme (in his statement to Freedom Front Plus). ————– National Union of Mineworkers of South Africa threatens Racial Civil War against Whites – statement “White complex displaying a newfound arrogance – ” NUMSA 30 May 2012 NUMSA threatens with RACIAL CIVIL WAR in South Africa in following statement: “The Spear satirical painting of pres Jacob Zuma by white artist added to fuel that is generating climate of racial civil war in SA” Numsa Central Committee and 2012 National Policy Workshop Press Statement – NUMSA Head Office Johannesburg 30th May 2012 “In our country – more than in any other part of the oppressed world – it is inconceivable for liberation to have meaning without a return of the wealth of the land to the people as a whole. It is therefore a fundamental feature of our strategy that victory must embrace more than formal political democracy. To allow the existing economic forces to retain their interests intact is to feed the root of racial supremacy and does not represent even the shadow of liberation.”
A. Background to the Central Committee Meeting and the 2012 National Policy Workshop
1. The Numsa Central Committee sat from the 21st to the 22nd of May 2012; this was followed immediately by the 2012 Numsa National Policy Conference in preparation of the 2012 Numsa National Congress, which will take place in Durban from the 3rd to the 8th of June 2012.
2. Numsa noted that the backdrop to both these important Numsa meetings include, and is not limited, to the following:
a. The worsening global economic situation, as the global crisis of the capitalist system worsens.
b. The growing threat of the worsening economic crisis in the Euro Zone to the rest of the global capitalist system.
c. The threat for further marginalisation and impoverishment of Africa and the rest of the poor Third World as the global crisis of capitalism deepens in the United States, Europe and Asia.
d. The rising prospects of opening up further capitalist wars as a means to jack up the global capitalist system. In this regard, we note with alarm the beating of war drums in the United States of America, Israel and Europe against Iran.
e. We are almost certain that the US Finance/Military/Political Complex is secretly urging Israel to go to war against Iran, as a means for itself (the US) to wage a proxy war on Iran, in an effort to restore to profitability its crisis ridden capitalist economy.
f. Globally, the global crisis of capitalism is throwing billions of the world youth into social despair as there are no jobs – the more than 30 years of neoliberal restructuring of the work place, the replacement of human labour for machines, the destruction of industrialisation for purposes of producing real human needs, and the eventual rise and domination of money capital over industrial capital have come home to haunt the global capitalist system: there is a global crisis of unemployment, especially for the youths!
g. South Africa is thus caught up in multi layered social, economic, cultural and political crises – the post 1994 persistence of the social crisis of “Colonialism of A special Type” which continues to generate mass poverty, wide spread and deeply entrenched unemployment and extreme inequalities for black people in general and Africans in particular now worsened by the on-going global crisis of capitalism.
h. Just as everywhere on the globe, here at home we see the rise of neo-racism.
i. New forms of racism (neo-racism) are being punted through the demands by the bosses and their political mouthpieces for lowering the supper exploitative colonial wages of black and African workers, the insistence on maintaining labour brokers, the demand to give free money to the bosses to bribe them to employ young people, the creation of a multi-tiered labour market in which the bosses will have free reign of determining wages and have the power to hire and fire at will, and the enforcement of toll gates on roads to privatise movement of goods and people.
j. Numsa notes the near explosive crisis of unemployment and poverty in general, and youth unemployment in particular, in South Africa today among the black and African youths.
k. Numsa notes the rise of anger among the black and African working class population of the country over the failure in the past 18 years to create a truly egalitarian economy and society in which the wealth of the land would have belonged to all the people as a whole.
l. The recent upsurge in extreme racist attacks on black people in general and Africans in particular.
m. The Democratic Alliance opposition party’s racist, violent and arrogant assault of Cosatu through its attempted march on Cosatu House in defence of the youth subsidy, former Apartheid President De Klerk’s arrogant declaration that not only did he and “his white people” usher in democracy in South Africa, but that in fact Apartheid as a theory was not wrong and they (white people) never gave in to the majority, rather, they won their domination by submitting to the supremacy of the Constitution that protected their property, land and minority cultural rights, the rise in social media racist attacks on black people and Africans – this essentially found also on the mainstream white liberal electronic copies of newspapers too, the insulting painting of President Jacob Zuma – depicting extreme racist views of MK, the respect held for Lenin in the Liberation Movement and generally an insult to all those who continue to vote for the ANC – all point to a new found arrogance of the South African White complex precisely because its dominant economic position continues to be reproduced in post 1994 South Africa.
n. Notwithstanding all these assaults and attacks on the working class in general, and the black and African working class in particular, Numsa is happy to note the growth in strength of its organisation which has since surpassed the 300 000 membership mark this year!
o. Ultimately, Numsa marks 25 years of unbroken revolutionary shop floor and political struggles this year, in defence of working class power!
B. The DA’s offensive against COSATU on the proposed Youth Wage Subsidy
1. Globally, no amount of bribery of the bosses to employ young people through the so called youth wage subsidies will resolve the failure of the global capitalist system to generate sufficient levels of employment to sustain itself.
2. This is the crux of the matter – the global capitalist system is incapable of generating sustainable levels of employment – in the past, when faced with similar revolution threatening poverty and unemployment challenges, the capitalist system has literally killed millions of youths by sending them to war!
3. Today, while war is an option, and the US government is using this option very readily, the global social and political situation has not yet offered the trigger for the Third World War. Will the war on Iran be it? We shall see.
4. Generally, even under the best of capitalist times, youth wage subsidies lead to the following:
a. Deadweight loss – employers will take advantage of the subsidy but employ people who would have been employed anyway.
b. Substitution effect – employers will absorb subsidised young people and get rid of unsubsidised, and mostly older, workers.
c. Displacement effects – firms and industries without subsidised workers will be crowded out and general employment negatively affected.
d. Destructive churning – companies will take a group of subsidised workers and when the subsidy period for these comes to an end, they will simply replace them with new ones.
e. Corruption – the system does lend itself to graft on a mass scale.
5. Our own contested National Planning Commission recognises these challenges of the youth wage subsidy, and has not offered any real remedial measures.
6. In the South African situation, well before 1994, youth unemployment was an explosive challenge, which easily provided the ready army for the Liberation Movement.
7. Today, 18 years of neo-liberal defence of the white dominated South African capitalist economy is on the brink of an explosion: millions of youths, largely black and African youths, are wasting their lives daily because they cannot find work.
8. It is stupidity of the highest order, and a total lack of appreciation of the real class, racial, gender and national and historic drivers of unemployment in South Africa today to propose that the very same capitalist bosses who for more than 350 years have failed to lift black people in general and Africans in particular from the poverty and unemployment they have created in the first place, can now do so if they are bribed by a youth wage subsidy.
9. In the medium to long term, Numsa agrees with the 1969 position of the ANC when it said: “In our country – more than in any other part of the oppressed world – it is inconceivable for liberation to have meaning without a return of the wealth of the land to the people as a whole. It is therefore a fundamental feature of our strategy that victory must embrace more than formal political democracy. To allow the existing economic forces to retain their interests intact is to feed the root of racial supremacy and does not represent even the shadow of liberation.” ANC, Morogoro, 1969.
10. There is no shortage of bribery for the bosses to employ young people in South Africa, post 1994.
11. Skills levies, learner ships and billions of SETA funds have been poured into similar projects by the government post 1994 and there has been no significant dent in unemployment rate in general, and youth unemployment in particular.
12. The youth wage subsidy will simply be another cheap source of unearned profits for the bosses, while the explosive challenge of mass unemployment in general and youth unemployment in particular continues to grow.
13. In the short and immediate term, Numsa agrees with the Young Communist League that the following reforms may reduce, to a limited extent, the crisis of youth unemployment:
a. The skilling or re-skilling of the more than 300 000 unemployed graduates and the placement of these into the public sector. There is a more than 35% vacancy rate in the public sector, which, according to our research, will require just above R4bn to fill in immediately. We challenge all government departments to report on how far they are in filling all vacancies since the expired deadline of August 2011 set by President Jacob Zuma.
b. A programme of mass skilling through Further Education and Training Colleges with the focus on welding, plumbing, bricklaying, electricians and all other basic skills that can be absorbed through the R300bn public infrastructure programme which will need more hands.
c. The legislation of the right to work by young people, which will force government to employ or place any young person in a university, FET college, skills programme or in a (community service or development) job after completion of their Grade 12 or guarantee them an income. Such legislation exists in countries such as India, and has gone a long way in alleviating poverty and forcing the state to invest in their human resource. There is no way that this cannot succeed in our country.
d. The expansion of the Extended Public Works Programme and the increase of income for young people who are absorbed in the EPWP. This will mean a review of some of the tenders on menial tasks such as paving, maintenance of public property, the building, ablution, electrification and maintenance of RDP Houses, hospitals, schools and other buildings for public use.
e. The expansion of the National Skills Service, which has trained many young people and placed them into employment.
14. The Young Communist League is a committed serious revolutionary youth formation in this country, and the proposals it is making above are informed by their direct experience of the conditions and challenges confronting millions of unemployed youths in South Africa today. We urge the ANC government to listen to them.
15. In our Durban Congress next month, the matter of youth unemployment will receive its due attention, and we are confident that our organisation will emerge with solid recommendations on the best way to tackle both the poverty and the unemployment challenge of millions of unemployed workers.
16. In the meantime, Numsa will remain resolute in its defence of the unity of both the employed and unemployed working class, and of Cosatu as the prime revolutionary Federation of the South African workers, both employed and unemployed.
C. NUMSA’s response to Cabinet’s decision on imposing e-tolling and
1. Numsa will continue to fight the tendency to privatise public goods such as roads, through tolling.
2. Numsa is confident that the ANC led Alliance will be able to resolve the matter of e-tolling of Gauteng new high ways through progressive and redistributive taxation, rather than through burdening the working and middle classes with e-tolling.
3. We urge the ANC not to be tempted into sliding into the simplistic mode that says “the horse has already bolted” or the clear anti working class position that says so called rating agencies will downgrade South Africa’s credit ratings: the ANC must listen to its own constituency – the black and African working class and the rural poor who will come of worse with e-tolling.
4. Numsa rejects, in the strongest terms, any efforts at substituting the political constituency of the ANC with rating agencies. This is an attack on our democracy. It is also a denial of our crisis ridden reality: without massive redistribution of wealth and economic and social opportunities, South Africa will for ever be in crisis mode.
D. The racist attack on the person of the ANC and Republican President, Jacob Zuma, by Brett Murray’s painting
1. As a revolutionary socialist working class formation, Numsa will always defend freedom of expression and freedom of artistic creativity.
2. Numsa members fought for these freedoms well before the demise of the Apartheid capitalist regime, and the ushering in of the 1996 South African Constitution.
3. Thus we cannot today be schooled in the science, art and fight for human freedoms by those who not only benefited, but continue to do so to this day, from our inhuman treatment at the hands of white racist monopoly capital for more than 350 years; it is our revolutionary duty to defend all human rights in general and the right to human dignity in particular.
4. Numsa finds Brett Murray’s painting and the subsequent extremely irrational and inhuman defence of the indefensible thoroughly repulsive and extremely unwelcome in the post 1994 South Africa.
5. Coming on the heels of so many racist and capitalist attacks on black people in general and Africans in particular, this painting has simply added to the fuel that is quickly generating a climate of racial civil war in South Africa.
6. In the situation in South Africa today in which 50% of the population which is largely African lives on less than 8% percent of our GDP, and the other 50% lives on 92% – and the bulk of this 50% is a small fraction of white people – we repeat: championing the following: NEW FORMS OF WHITE RACISM: (neo-racism)… being punted through the demands by the bosses and their political mouthpieces for lowering the supper exploitative colonial wages of black and African workers, the insistence on maintaining labour brokers, the demand to give free money to the bosses to bribe them to employ young people, the creation of a multi-tiered labour market in which the bosses will have free reign of determining wages and have the power to hire and fire at will, and the enforcement of toll gates on roads to privatise movement of goods and people…in conditions of extreme mass poverty, unemployment and inequalities is to consciously promote conditions for mass protests and civil war, when you add direct racism as depicted in Brett’s painting of the President.
7. Human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms, non-racialism and non-sexism are among the founding values of the post 1994 democratic dispensation. This is what we suffered and shed blood for, during the struggle for our liberation.
8. We demanded that these values be given pride of place in the opening chapter of the 1996 South African Constitution.
9. We stress: these values were not donated to us by some ‘philanthropic well-meaning liberal whites who easily thrived in Apartheid capitalist South Africa, and still thrive today’, on our cheap black and African labour – we spilled our blood for them, and we are ready to do so again, today.
10. Violating the right to our human dignity, threatening or preventing our advancement to achieving social and economic equality and human rights and freedoms such as is depicted in the painting is a violation of the entirety of the foundation of the 1996 Constitution – make no mistake about this!
11. No amount of quasi-liberal concealment of the deep-seated savage and vulgar racist intentions behind the painting as “freedom of artistic creativity” will do.
12. The painting is a crude and cheap racist attack on us, all those of us who supported Jacob Zuma to become the President of both the ANC and South Africa.
13. We find the painting a tasteless, artless piece of racist rubbish designed to insult and provoke us into violence, thus to generate a state of racial civil war in South Africa.
14. As a human being, Jacob Zuma’s inherent dignity is protected by the 1996 South African Constitution, whatever anyone, or a racial group’s feelings and views about his life may be: his merely being human qualifies him to the fullest extent possible of our constitutional protection against violation of his right to human dignity.
15. This is the essence of the primacy of the right to human dignity, which we fought for, and died for, for more than 350 years in this country. And we remain ready to do so again today.
16. At Numsa, we do not regret the defacing of the painting: we think it is an extremely minor offence compared to the injury and damage done by the sick painting on the person and life of Jacob Zuma, his family, and his entire political constituency.
17. We view as a mark of how degenerate the dominant white supremacist capitalist ideology has become that anyone should be forced to consider the defacing of the painting – an insult to Jacob Zuma’s dignity – as more important. It is in fact this we hate and are fighting about the capitalist system: property is superior to human life.
18. In order to give effect and to protect Jacob Zuma’s inherent right to human dignity as enshrined in the Bill of Rights in our Constitution, we remain confident that the court, must apply, or if necessary develop, the common law to the extent that legislation does not give effect to Jacob Zuma’s right to dignity, in this instance (Section 8.3.2a, South African Constitution, 1996). Nothing less than this is demanded from our courts by the 1996 Constitution.
19. We salute the ANC-led Alliance members who marched to Goodman Art Gallery, yesterday in defence of the ANC and its President Jacob Zuma. The mass action to the Goodman Art Gallery showed that majority of South Africans felt offended by the racist painting of Brett Murray targeted at the ANC and President Jacob Zuma.
20. We call on Metalworkers across the length and breadth of our country to heed the call by the ANC-led Alliance leaders to boycott the City Press.
E. NUMSA Central Committee’s stance on the Labour Law reforms
1. Numsa wishes to place on record the persistence of anti-working class behaviour by certain ANC ministers including the Minister responsible for the National Treasury (imposition of e-tolls and youth wage subsidy) and the current Minister of Labour on the labour law reforms before Parliament.
2. It is such kind of behaviour that now threatens to worsen the disagreements in the Alliance.
3. Such Ministers now create conditions for the ANC in government to be defended by the DA as it (the DA) simultaneously attacks Cosatu. The practical political reality created here is that in fact on such matters the DA is in alliance with the ANC.
4. We reject and condemn the proposed amendments to labour laws, which will not ban labour brokers and instead entrench provisions for unions to lose the right to strike.
5. We are confident the ANC Policy Conference this year, and the elective ANC Conference in December will assist in resolving such anti working class behaviour by individuals deployed by the ANC in government.
F. NUMSA Central Committee on the 2012 elective National Congresses of NUMSA, SACP, COSATU & ANC
1. The Numsa Central Committee wishes well, and is hopeful that the coming Congresses and Conferences of formations of the Liberation Movement will result in a stronger, militant and revolutionary alliance capable of delivering on the promises of the liberation struggle as best captured in the Freedom Charter.
2. Numsa urges the working class in particular to ensure that indeed we embark on a Second Transition which will be characterised by advancing the struggle for economic freedom in South Africa, as the only true basis for creating a truly non racist, non-sexist, democratic and peaceful South Africa, for all the people of South Africa.
3. The 2012 Numsa Congress will debate these key political events.
G. NUMSA 25th Anniversary National Rallies scheduled for – 01 June 2012
1. Numsa this year is 25 years old. The CC invites all the people of South Africa to join us as we celebrate the life and times of this giant metalworkers union.
2. This coming Sunday June 03, 2012, we will be holding the 25TH Anniversary National Rally, Curries Fountain Stadium, Durban, and KwaZulu-Natal. The African National Congress (ANC) President Comrade(s) JACOB ZUMA, COSATU General Secretary ZWELINZZIMA VAVI and SACP will address the 25THAnniversary Rally.
H. A call for unity among the working class and their formations
1. As we have noted in the opening section of this Statement, the world and South Africa are in a deep capitalist crisis.
2. We urge all our members and the entire world and South African working class to remain vigilant, to struggle tirelessly for Socialist World as the only true defence against the tyranny and brutalities of the capitalist system.
3. Organise, educate, mobilise, and struggle for Socialism. The alternative is to starve and die under capitalism.
Adriaan, dankie. Is dit dalk moontlik om n skrywe te doen van waar hulle vandaan kom, want inheems is hulle beslis nie!
Boere, lees die opskrif. Die konferensie in Midrand is nou waar die pangas skerp gemaak word. Die twee faksies is duidelik te sien. Die oefen sessies van paaie blok is daagliks aan die gang. Bejaardes en weerloses, sluit nou aan by hulp organisasies. Vader beskerm en hou U Hand oor ons volk, Amen.
Ek sien die volk het baie te se maar nie een se dat ons hand in eie boesem moet slaan en onslae raak ons Baal Godsdiens nie, ons hoereer die hele dag maar het almal te blameer, Pienkie was en is maar net ‘n instrument, as dit nie hy was nie sou dit iemand anders gewees het. “My volk gaan ten gronde weens ‘n gebrek aan kennis”.
Wanneer gaan ons wakker word en elkeen voor sy eie deur begin vee en skoonmaak, ek bedoel letterlik skoon maak. Saten gee glad nie om of jy weet wat reg is of verkeerd nie, hy staan heeldag lank en kla ons aan want ons gee hom wettiglik reg op ons, ons gesinne en ons huise.
Veldskoen, jy is so reg, maar “ons mense” wil nie hoor nie, want dan moet hulle teveel prysgee, daar is net een ou ta die Waarheid en die Leun kan meng. En almal sluk dit, die hele wereld sal agter die dier (nie satan nie) aanloop.
Ek voel sommer lus om n stuk wat een van ons “ver-regse” bongenote nie kans gesien het om te plaas, hier te plaas.
Die wat weet, het dit nie nodig nie en die wat nie weet nie, is ongeletterd en kan nie selfstudie doen nie en wil ook nie die Waarheid hoor nie.
BoereGroete in Jahweh
plaas dit as dit tot voordeel wees en kan bydra tot n ander insig> Waarom dan nie!?
“god se eer is op die spel”
1 April 2012
Na Aanleiding van plasing: Posted on March 31, 2012 by Bestuur
Voor ek begin, laat my toe om te sê, ek het dit nie teen die skrywer nie, maar teen die misleiding waaraan my mense so sukkel om te ontkom.
Die kar is voorwaar voor die perde, net jammer die kar se wiele het ook afgeval.
Ps. 79:5: Ja, Vader sal ewig toornig bly, solank ons Hom minag.
V6: en gode bly navolg (Paasfees vs Pasga …..)
Wat ‘n oordeel spreek ons oor onsself uit !!!
Sy Erenaam word nietig gemaak en dan vra ons nog dat Hy Sy Grimmigheid moet uitstort oor hulle (ons) wat dit doen.
Nou hier is die probleem, u roep niemand aan nie, u is in geen Naam gedoop nie, u is op pad na êrens duskant nêrens.
Die here, die meneer, ja selfs ou senings –enigeen- kan u hulproep verhoor, want u sien nie kans om u hulproep aan ‘n Naam te koppel nie.
‘n Kontrak bestaan uit AS en DAN.
Psalms 78:22 22 omdat hulle in Elohim nie geglo en op Sy Verlossing nie vertrou het nie.
OMDAT… Wie vertrou u?
Psalms 78:21 21 Daarom het JaHWeH gehoor en toornig geword, en Vuur is aangesteek teen Jakob, en Toorn het ook opgegaan teen JisraEl;
DAAROM … vuur aansteel teen Jakob, toornig teen JisraEl.
LW Nie die basters nie, nie die swart volke nie, teen JisraEl. Dis ek en u!, die fout lê in ons volk self.
Daarom sê 79:5: Sy Ywer brand soos vuur.
Wat gebeur as u ‘n Dr. Aanspreek as meneer? Of die president as meneer?, gaan hulle u voluit help? Vergeet dit, hy gaan u minag soos wat u hom geminag het.
Psalms 29:2 2 Gee aan JaHWeH die Eer van Sy Naam; buig neer vir JaHWeH in die prag van Apartheid!
Skei u af, stel u apart, van hulle wat Sy Naam nie wil eer nie, Weier u om Sy Naam te eer?
Psalms 91:14 …. Ek sal Hom beskerm, omdat Hy My Naam ken.
JeHôWganan 14 14 As julle iets in My Naam vra, sal Ek dit doen.
JeHôWganan 15 16 Julle het My nie uitverkies nie, maar Ek het julle uitverkies en julle aangestel om vrug te gaan dra en dat julle vrug kan bly, sodat wat julle die VADER ook al in My Naam vra, Hy julle dit kan gee.
Ek daag u uit: staan op vir Sy Naam, gee Eer aan Sy Naam, laat staan die dinge van ‘n kind. Die here = the lord = baal (Hebreeus/Aramees. Strongs: 1168)
Vra in die Naam van Jahweh en jy sal ontvang.
Tot dan, stry u ‘n verlore stryd.
1 Konings 18 21 En EliJaHûW het nader gekom na die hele volk en gesê: Hoe lank hink julle op twee gedagtes? Indien JaHWeH die Elohim is, volg Hom na; en indien die Here (Baäl) hy is, volg hom na! Maar die volk het hom niks geantwoord nie.
Adriaan, dit is reeds skemer donker. Tog dink ek daar is nog van ons wat kan hoor al kan hul nie meer die hand voor die oe sien nie. Hou ons asb op hoogte. Hoor die paaie het vanoggend vroeg weer gebrand en is/was afgesper oppad na Mafekeng. Klippe en brandende bande. Mense, moes ompaaie ry. Ons moet inligting met mekaar deel asseblief, dit kan lewens red. Vir die wat ingeskakel is by sms veldtogte, wees asb voorbereid dat radio verbindings, alhoewel frekwensies ook gesny kan word, ook oorweeg moet word. Dit is die maklikste ding op aarde vir ta om die selfoon netwerke te laat verdwyn. Sal maar moet wag en sien wat se twak die boere nou in hul pype sit om te rook want sowaar as vet gaan die grondgryp nou begin. As die landbouers nou net die gejaag na geld wil laat vaar en besef dat hul die kos sekerheid se hef in die hand het kan dinge, wat in elk geval moet gebeur, na ‘n einde gestuur word al eer daar nog meer onskuldige bejaardes, vroue en kinders sterf. Ek dink oom Siener het lee kos rakke gesien hier by ons? Ek lees ook dat Rusland nou wapens vir Rhodesie voorsien inruil vir minerale, dit laat my dink aan die visioen oor die trein wat vanaf Rhodesie hiernatoe ry en skielik skiet die soldate op ons mense hier. Hou julle lampies vol olie. Groete.
Ons wat op hierdie forum bymekaar kom het maar hoofsaaklik een ding in gemeen…. Ons deur knëe wat deur gebid is dat ons Skepper ons sal vergeef en die straf gerig teen ons sal draai na die wêrld koningkryk en dit vernietig.
Ek wil graag glo ons is die KERN van hierdie Israel Afrikaner volk. Dan kyk ek na die groter menigte van ons volk en bid ons God YHWH dat Hy hul harte sal draai.
Als lyk so na wanhoop……
Miskien sal God die gety draai as die stormers, bulle en bokke op die groot staduims speel en die enigste gehoor `n handjie vrymesselaars is wat daar sit. Die res.. of bekeer of verdelg.
As ek na die afgodery van die volk kyk, verg dit dalk `n massiewe gebeurtenis om die volk se harte te draai.
Mag God Sy uitverkorenis bewaar en dink aan Sy beloftes dat Hy nie aan ons `n einde sal maak nie, maar wel aan AL die nasies waaronder ons verstrooi is.
Mag God aan Sy belofte dink en die belofte bewaarheid word wat Hy ons gee in Jes. 29 dat die dae van die verdrukking onder die nasies vir ons soos net `n droom sal voel, net `n droom.
Ons broers oorsee voel die selfde druk as ons…..
So paragraaf af, klik op WHITE AMARICA vir artikel.
Dit help dus nie om landuit te vlug nie, die verdrukking is oor die aarde!!!!